Channel: Growing Bored For a Living
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Throbbing Gristle-24 Hours PLUS

OK, I'm not going to break down the history of Throbbing Gristle again, just go back a couple weeks and you'll see what they are about.......I will restate, though, that at one point they actually, they released a set called "24 Hours", which was a bunch of cassette tapes, (I assume 24 of them) packaged in a suitcase.....I thought if I could locate these, they'd be a way cool download. I found MOST of them, I guess, on the "DIY or Die" blog, a little more explanation on that in a second.......after we get through what we have of that set, we have a few more Gristle submissions from some guests, and if you need more of thier stuff after THAT????????? Well, hard to imagine.

The "24 Hours" cassettes are listed as such: the FIRST ONE I have is labeled IRC02 (apparently there is no "IRC01"?) and run up to IRC026.......keep in mind that the link for IRC019 (the IRC, I think stands for Industrial Records Company)......SO, CALLING ALL GRISTLE HEADS, if you happen to have IRC01 (if it exists) or IR0C19 (I KNOW it exists), please share up......I put these all in one post for a REASON....."24 Hours", as originally packaged, was a tribute Industrial Records determination to release EVERYTHING by it's bands, no matter the quality...."bulk" music.......it was a cool idea, only 50 "official" copies were released, later it was released individually and more economically......but this post is MY tribute to the overwhelming concept of music in bulk......sorry I don't have a suitcase......I will give a track list and a brief (VERY brief) description of each tape.......and, don't forget that after THAT, there is MORE Throbbing Gristle stuff to tantilize you......this is something of an ambitious post, hope it isn't excessive, and I really hope you not only like it, but can help everyone gather the missing pieces and we'll ALL be fullfilled!

One thing about all this live Throbbing Gristle, you can never accuse them of sameness in thier
shows.....you'll see EXACTLY what I mean, after digging into this

The first tape I have here, as I said, was IRC02......recorded at the ICA, London, 10/18/76

01 Introduction/02 Very Friendly/03 We hate You (Little Girls)/04 Slug Bait/05 Dead Ed/06 Zyklon B Zombie/07 The End/08 Radio Spot

And that's how we'll list em, no need to get too cute, remember, there is MORE stuff I'm going to launch at you AFTER "24 Hours"

IRC03-AT THE AIR GALLERY/WINCHESTER 7/6/76 and 8/21/76-01 Untitled/02 Dead Ed/03 No Two Ways/04 Very Friendly

IRC04-AT THE NAGS HEAD HIGH WYCOMBE 2/11/77-01 Introduction/02 Very Friendly/03 We Hate You (Little Girls)/04 Untitled/05 Slug Bait/06 Anarchy and Music/07 Zyklon B Zombie/08 If I Was a Little Baby/09 Wall of Sound/10 Close

IRC05-AT BRIGHTON POLYTECHNIC 3/26/77-01 Zyklon b Zombie/02 Last Exit/03 Slug Bait/04
Maggot Life/05 Mary Jane/06 Record Contract/07 Tesco Disco/08 One Note, One Life, One Purpose/09 Load of Fucking Wankers

IRC06-AT NEWFIELD THEATER SOUTHHAMPTON 5/7/77-01 Industrial Introduction/02 Forced Entry/03 National Affront/04 Maggot Death/05 You Won't Notice/06 Slug Bait/07 Close

IRC07-AT THE RAT CLUB 5/22/77-01 Introduction/02 Tesco Disco/03 Fuck Off Cunt/04 L 1.30/05 Wolverhampton/06 Goldilocks and the Three Fingers/07 Interlude/08 Fuck Off Cunt/Wolverhampton/L 1.30 (Reprise)/09 The Quiet Section/10 Maggot Death

IRC08-AT THE HIGHBURY ROUNDHOUSE 9/29/77-01 Hit By a Rock/02 Blood On the Floor/03 Untitled/04 You Me Here/05 Hit By a Rock/06 Blood on the Floor/07 Untitled/08 You Me Here

11/11/77-01 A Nod and A Wink/02 Feeling Critical/03 Untitled/04 Dead Ed/05 You Won't Notice/06 Very Friendly

IRC10-AT THE RAT CLUB/THE VALENTINO ROOMS 12/17/77-01 White Christmas/02 Tesco Disco/03 Knife In My Side/04 Untitled/05 Urge to Kill/06 Assume Power Focus/07 Wall of SOund

IRC11-AT THE BRIGHTON POLYTECHNIC 2/25/78-01 E-Coli/02 Anthony/03 Why Does Carol Eat Brown Bread?/04 Blood on the Floor/05 August Bank Holiday/06 He's My Friend/07 Wall of Sound

IRC12-AT THE ARCHITECTURAL ASSOCIATION LONDON 3/3/78 01 E-Coli/02 Dead Ed/03 Valley of the Shadow of Death/04 August Bank Holiday/05 Wall of Sound

IRC13-AT GOLDSMITHS COLLEGE LONDON 5/18/78 01 IBM/02 It's Always the Way/03 Hamburger Lady/04 Dead On Arrival/05 August Bank Holiday/06 Untitled/07 Wall of Sound/08 United

COLLEGE WAKEFIELD 7/1/78-01 01 IBM/02  Family Death/03 Cabaret Voltaire/04 Industrial Muzak/05 hamburger Lady/06 Slug Bait/07 August Bank Holiday/08 Mother Spunk/09 Five Knuckle Shuffle/10 Whorle of Sound

IRC15-AT THE LONDON FILMMAKERS COOP, 7/6/78 01 IBM/02 New After Cease To Exist Soundtrack/03 hamburger Lady/04 Saw Mill/05 Mother Spunk/06 Untitled/07 Five Knuckle Shuffle

IRC16-AT THE CRYPT CLUB LONDON 11/11/78-01 Introduction/02 Whistling Song/0Tesco Disco/04 Dead On Arrival/05 Untitled/06 E-Coli/Hometime/07 Dearth Threats/08 High Note

IRC17-AT CENTRO IBERICO LONDON 1/21/79-01 Introduction/02 Weapon Training/0Persuasion/04 Valley of the Shadow of Death/05 Untitled/06 What a Day!/07 Untitled/08 E-Coli/09 Five Knuckle Shuffle/10 Wall of Sound

IRC18-AT THE AJANTA CINEMA DERBY 4/12/79-01 Introduction/02 Eeh Aah oooh/03 Convincing People/04 Hamburger Lady/05 Untitled/06 Chat Up/07 What a Day!/08 Persuasion/09 Five Knuckel Shuffle

IRC19-AT THE NOW SOCIETY SHEFFIELD 4/25/79 (As Stated before, This link is no good......I'm including the set list in the name of completion, but HELP US OUT, WE NED THIS Disc/Tape/whatever.......here's the set list.....01 Weapon Training/02 Convincing People/03 hamburger Lady/04 Interlude/05 Chat Up/06 What a Day!/07 Persuasion/08 Five Knuckle Shuffle

IRC20- AT THE FACTORY MANCHESTER 5/18/79-01 Weapon Training/02 See You Are/03
Convincing People/04 Hamburger Lady/05 Interlude/06 His Arm Was Her Leg/07 What a Day!/08 Persuasion/09 Five Knuckle Shuffle/10 Wall of Sound

IRC21-AT THE GUILD HALL, NORTHHAMPTON, 5/26/79-01-01 A Wall of Sound/02 No Bones/03 Ice Cool Down/04 They Make No Say/05 hamburger Lady/06What a Day!/07 Saw Mill

IRC22-AT THE YMCA LONDON 8/3/79-01 Weapons Training/02 E-Coli/03 Convincing People/04 Hamburger Lady/05 Still Walking/06 persuasion/07 What a Day!/08 Denial of Death/09 Five Knuckle Shuffle/10 Wall of Sound

IRC24-AT BUTLERS WHARF LONDON 12/23/79-01 Introduction/02 Gloria Leonared/03 Six Six Sixties/04 An Old Man Smiled/05 Wet Weird and Smeared/06 Interlude/07 Anal Sex/The Whole World Is a War Film/08 Still Walking/09 Don't do What You're Told, Do What You Think/10 Wall of Sound/The First Noel/11 Painless Childbirth/12 Throbbing Gristlemas

Introduction/02 Cornets/03 Six Six Sixties/An Old
Man Smiled/04 Subhuman/05 The World Is a War Film/06 To be Effective in England......07 Something Came Over Me/08 Still Walking/09 Don't Do What Your Told, Do What You Think/10 Painless Childbirth/11 Close

IRC26-AT THE SCALA CINEMA LONDON 2/20/80 -01 Introduction/02 Cornets/03 Six Six Sixties/ An Old Man Smiled/04 Subhuman/05 The World Is a War Film/06 To Be Effective In England...../07 Something Came Over Me/08 Still Walking/09 Don't Do What You're Told, Do What You Think/10 Painless Childbirth/11 Close

OK, is that a set or not? I know we are missing a disc or so, BUT come on, I did the best I could for ya, and SOMEONE out there will fillin the blanks!....that "24 Hours" set is quite a piece of work, but as I promised you there is MORE MORE MORE!

OK, we also have some submissions from some good friends
of mine, let us begin with my main man Brian, who submits to us the wonderful "Industrial Studio 8-Track", it's fab, if you are a fan of Throbbing Gristle.It contains one track, "Untitled", from 3/8/77......don't miss this one either.....

Rob from Canada sends us a couple of Throbbing Gristle shows as well....."Live at the Death Factory" (date not noted) is fairly obscure, I think, as these things go.......track list: 01 Weapon Training/02 See You Are/03 Convincing People/04 Hamburger Lady/05 Her Arm Was Her Leg/06 What a Day/07  Persuasion/08 Five Knuckle Shuffle

Rob ALSO submits to us another gem, "BEYOND JAZZ FUNK CASSETTE", with imaginative titles ala 01 Side A 02 Side B........a pretty rare find actually, thanks loads to Brian, Rob from Canada, and the fab DIY or DIE blog post, this is a monumental undertaking, I hope some of you LOVEF it, some may hate it, but its a document for sure......enjoy, I've been thinking about doing this one for a while, hope it goes over ok......and of course, if any of you have IRC19, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE contribute to the cause......trust me, all of us out here in music-world will appreciate it beyond your recognition!

Hey, this was a BIT of work.......if you like it, please say so, if not, likewise.....onena these days I gonna
haveta go back to work (GOD not TOO soon), and my posts will not be as elaborate.....they will still be here, trust me, me and my team will NOT let you down....but for now, while I am laid off, enjoy these posts that take a bit of 'work" on my part.......I love everyone who reads, posts, listens, downloads, and comments here......you are the salt of THIS world! Love ya!




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