My head is spinning as I had a few hours to kill today and tried to get a bunch of these done so I could take it easy for the next week or so.....typing all these titles in tonguesother than my own is a bit tricky, but I DO love non-English language rock, so I guess the typing goes with the territory. What we have today is "Bloodstains Across Norway", and then it gets odd.....Two discs of "Bloodstains Across Europe" (haven't a good bit of these ALREADY been from Europe? I don't care for this part of the concept, as it pretty much gave them license to throw anything on there, these are harder to listen to than, say, a disc of all Norway bands or whatever.....gets even worse after that with 2 discs of "Bloodstains Across the World", again, fairly cut and paste collections which to me are the weaker links of the series, they feature bands from as diverse corners of the globe as Poland, Holland, Japan, China, South Africa, all of which I guess is OK because perhaps those lands did not have enough stuff to fill out their own discs, but these are also loaded with stuff from Germany, the UK, Switzerland, and lots MORE that we have already "visited"........oh, well.... I prefer that the discs represent the flavor of the individual countries, but who the hell am I to bitch? Anyway, with Part 5 we will get back to specifics, with the FOUR disc "Bloodstains Across the UK", other than the Norway set, I personally consider these discs the weaker links in this chain. Just my opinion though.
BLOODSTAINS ACROSS NORWAY-01 AKUTT INNLEGGELSE-C.I.A.-K.G.B./02 AKUTT INNLEGGELSE-Superstjerne/03 BORRES KORK-Popstar/04 AKUTT 80-Nekt Blankt/05 DE SJENERTE-Hva Skal Vi Si/06 DE PRESS-unknown title/07 FEBER-Full Kontroll/08 JOHNNY YEN BANG-Kill the Disco/09 JOHNNY YEN BANG-Fool/10 JOHN YEN BANG-Marching Robots/11 NORGEZ BANK-Nordens Paris/12 WANNSKRAEK-Bla Heder/13 1984-Hva Faen/14 Z-OFF-Hurra For Norge/15 ROUGH TRADE-Du Er En Dritt/16 ROUGH TRADE-Play With Fire/17 ROUGH TRADE-Diggin TV/18 KAARE OG PARTIET-Hakekors/19 OVERDOSE-Takk Hold Kjeft/20 OVERDOSE-Bla Hun/21 ORESUS-Sjolvmordskomplekser/22 ANFALL-Bomba E Klar/23 ANFALL-TV/24 ANFALL-Stressa
BLOODSTAINS ACROSS EUROPE VOLUME 1-01 SPITFIRE BOYS-British Refugee/02 SPITFIRE BOYS-Mien Kampf/03 EPPU NORMALI-Poliisi Pamputtaa Taaas/04 EPPU NORMALI-Elvisken Kuolema/05 KJOTT-Nei Nei Nei/06 KJOTT-Blalys/07 KJOTT-Et Nytt Og Bedre Liv/08 AHEADS-Freedom of Speech/09 AHEADS-No Idea/10 AHEADS-In Down Out Up/11 LOST KIDS-Cola Freaks/12 LOST KIDS-Radden Dig/13 LOST KIDS-Alle Taler/14 TROGSTA TRASK-Pella i Skogen/15 TROGSTA TRASK-Sommarbarn/16 NASAL BOYS-Hot Love
BLOODSTAINS ACROSS EUROPE VOLUME 2-01 SQUAD-24 Hours/02 BRIGAD 45 B-Veckorevyn/03 FRABBBLARNIR-Lifad A Lyginni/04 CADILLAC-Senator/05 RUNNING DOGS-Present Tense/06 LAPSUUDEN LOPPU-Taman Yon On Taaa Kyla Median/07 DREAM POLICE-Demise/08 HANGOVER-Sick Society/09 GANGSTERS-Best Friend/10 RONSKI GANG-I Am Broke/11 DE ANHORIGA-Hej Du Gamla Proggisi!/12 SURPRISES-Little Sir Echo/13 SYSTEEMI-Nakkiputka/14 PANKRTI-Kruha In Iger/15 ROTZKOTZ-Peep Show
BLOODSTAINS ACROSS THE WORLD VOLUME 1-01 DEEP SIX-Watchers of Time/02 FRAEBBBLARNIR-The Rebellion of the Dwarves/03 MONROE-Disco Fever/04 TIPI & MINISTERIT-Verta Rakastava Naines/05 FDS-Paranoia/06 MR HYDE-Trop Belle/07 DRAGONS-Anarchy In the UK/08 JOHNNIES-Who Killed Johnny/09 STAR CLUB-Hello New Punks/10 JOHNNY DEMON & THE DEVILS-Shut Your Mouth/11 RIOT SQUAD-Security System/12 BUZZ-Insanity/13 PVC-Sykebill/14 BARCHEN & DIE MILCHBUBIS-Jung Kaputt Spart Altersheime/15 TNT-Cucarachas/16 THE JACK RABBIT BAND-Revenge
BLOODSTAINS ACROSS THE WORLD VOLUME 2-01 FRAEBBBLARNIR-False Death/2 FEGS-Mill Street Law & Order/03 RAZORS-Disco/04 GLUEAMS-Strassen/05 HENCHMEN-Rock N Roll Attack/06 SYMPTOMS-Be On Top/07 REBELL-Jag Behoiver Inte Dig/08 SUICIDE SQUAD-I Don't Want To Go To Heaven/09 ZOOM-Massacre at Central High/10 ASPHALT JUNGLE-Purple Heart/11 DESTROY-Sanoja/12 DEZERTER-Ku Przyszlosci/13 ARLO STENMIT & HIS HAMMERKIDS-Belinda/14 AGENT ORANGE-Kill the Police/15 STAR CLUB-God Save the Punkrock/16 UNF-Cavalos de Corrida

BLOODSTAINS ACROSS EUROPE VOLUME 1-01 SPITFIRE BOYS-British Refugee/02 SPITFIRE BOYS-Mien Kampf/03 EPPU NORMALI-Poliisi Pamputtaa Taaas/04 EPPU NORMALI-Elvisken Kuolema/05 KJOTT-Nei Nei Nei/06 KJOTT-Blalys/07 KJOTT-Et Nytt Og Bedre Liv/08 AHEADS-Freedom of Speech/09 AHEADS-No Idea/10 AHEADS-In Down Out Up/11 LOST KIDS-Cola Freaks/12 LOST KIDS-Radden Dig/13 LOST KIDS-Alle Taler/14 TROGSTA TRASK-Pella i Skogen/15 TROGSTA TRASK-Sommarbarn/16 NASAL BOYS-Hot Love
BLOODSTAINS ACROSS EUROPE VOLUME 2-01 SQUAD-24 Hours/02 BRIGAD 45 B-Veckorevyn/03 FRABBBLARNIR-Lifad A Lyginni/04 CADILLAC-Senator/05 RUNNING DOGS-Present Tense/06 LAPSUUDEN LOPPU-Taman Yon On Taaa Kyla Median/07 DREAM POLICE-Demise/08 HANGOVER-Sick Society/09 GANGSTERS-Best Friend/10 RONSKI GANG-I Am Broke/11 DE ANHORIGA-Hej Du Gamla Proggisi!/12 SURPRISES-Little Sir Echo/13 SYSTEEMI-Nakkiputka/14 PANKRTI-Kruha In Iger/15 ROTZKOTZ-Peep Show
BLOODSTAINS ACROSS THE WORLD VOLUME 1-01 DEEP SIX-Watchers of Time/02 FRAEBBBLARNIR-The Rebellion of the Dwarves/03 MONROE-Disco Fever/04 TIPI & MINISTERIT-Verta Rakastava Naines/05 FDS-Paranoia/06 MR HYDE-Trop Belle/07 DRAGONS-Anarchy In the UK/08 JOHNNIES-Who Killed Johnny/09 STAR CLUB-Hello New Punks/10 JOHNNY DEMON & THE DEVILS-Shut Your Mouth/11 RIOT SQUAD-Security System/12 BUZZ-Insanity/13 PVC-Sykebill/14 BARCHEN & DIE MILCHBUBIS-Jung Kaputt Spart Altersheime/15 TNT-Cucarachas/16 THE JACK RABBIT BAND-Revenge
BLOODSTAINS ACROSS THE WORLD VOLUME 2-01 FRAEBBBLARNIR-False Death/2 FEGS-Mill Street Law & Order/03 RAZORS-Disco/04 GLUEAMS-Strassen/05 HENCHMEN-Rock N Roll Attack/06 SYMPTOMS-Be On Top/07 REBELL-Jag Behoiver Inte Dig/08 SUICIDE SQUAD-I Don't Want To Go To Heaven/09 ZOOM-Massacre at Central High/10 ASPHALT JUNGLE-Purple Heart/11 DESTROY-Sanoja/12 DEZERTER-Ku Przyszlosci/13 ARLO STENMIT & HIS HAMMERKIDS-Belinda/14 AGENT ORANGE-Kill the Police/15 STAR CLUB-God Save the Punkrock/16 UNF-Cavalos de Corrida