Pretty unique shit here, a sort of album that I have very little to compare with......you have never in your life heard denser walls of droning guitars, it is, as I stated before, YEARS ahead of it's time, it's maybe sorta-kinda Velvet Underground influenced, but that is to sell it short(!)
This is raw......this is noisy......this is sloppy.....this is droning........this is hypnotic.........this is mind bending early 1970's psychecdelic rock n roll, that the world was not ready for at that time.......might not be ready for it yet........but, without anymore jibberish from Scott, this is a five star album, an underappreciated classic and a PERFECT example of the things that were accomplished in that wild era of the early 70's, when "anything went"........you'll see what I mean once you play this masterpiece!
THE ELECTRONIC HOLE-01 The Golden Hour Part 1/02 The Golden Hour part 2/03 The Golden Hour part 3/The Golden Hour Part 4/05 Love Will Find a Way Part 1/06 Love Will Find a Way part 2/07 Love WIll Find a Way Part 3
Lovers of hard rock, psych rock, guitar fuzz freak outs.......DO NOT do yourself the disservice of mising this it's a five star classic and you will love it much as I do......seriously, great album, you will be SORRY if yo miss THIS one, it is awesome!