"It's Better With Fuzz" (Volume 1, although I find no evidence of "Volume 2") is a 2013 Greek release of loud, obnoxious, greasy, fuzzed out garage punk, from a whole lot of bands that we have mostly never heard of.......of course, we ALL want thisone, just from the description, correct?
This is loaded with tracks from the likes of The Sixty Second Swingers, The Teddy Boys From the Crypt, The Lizardz, and The Meanie Geanies........sounds great? You bet it is.......break this one out and annoy your neighbors, drink some chills, and wonder to yourself why shit like Rush got famous and this is obscure/unknown.......this one's a winner on all fronts!
IT'S BETTER WITH FUZZ BABE-01 EARL & THE LOSERS-John Wayne Got Blues/02 THE JACKS-baby/03 THE PSYKICKS-Once Upon a Time/04 THE 60 SECOND SWINGERS-Let Me Down/05 KALEIDOSCOPIC PATH-Social End Products/06 THE DARK RAGS-State of Oblivion/07 THE B SIDES-Hey Mister/08 THE TEDDY BOYS FROM THE CRYPT-Agent O./09 THE NACKERS-Banana Boats/10- THE MEANIE GENIES-No More/11 THE GRUESOMES-Things She Does To Me/12 THE FRANTIC V-Hey/13 THE MONGRELETTES-Mon Mec A Moi/14 THE LIZARDZ-When I Met You/15 DUSTBOWL-Lean On Me