I am going to say this though......while they sound "angry", as is generally the vibe on this type of thing, this is quite a listenable album, albeit I cannot translate the lyrics too much........there is some fine guitar work on here, (really, LISTEN to it), it's NOT like Skrewdriver or one of the other hardcore skin bands, it's fairly innovative guitar based hard-rock. And Annett's female vocals are welcome too, much more enjoyable than the usual cookie-monster-style rantings we get on these. I'm not thinking this will score big in the download department, but I'd LIKE TO ASK YOU TO GIVE IT A SHOT.......disagree with the politics all you wish (I DO), but since when has THAT determined if a rock album is LISTENABLE? Because, this one ACTUALLY is......in general I put this stuff up for the novelty/shock value of it, and that's 50% of the thing here too, BUT the other 50% is this is a decent hard rock album. Listen to it.

FAKTOR DUETSCHLAND-01 Wolfsziet/02 Lebe/03 Fruende-Liebe-Betrug/04 Wir Sind Das Volk/05 Revolution (Metal-Fassung)/06 Konservatives Gluck/07 Thors Enkel (Rock-Fassung)/08 Ich Bleibe, der ich bin/09 Frei/10 Stalingrad/11 Sohne Odins
I ask you again, PLEASE listen to and comment on the musical quality of this album.......it's no classic, but I will bet it surprises the SHIT out of you, IF you can get past the political implications (NOT the easiest thing to do)........I hope someone takes it as a challenge.
Frank (SuperBillie) from Germany, can you add anything to the song titles/lyrics to shock and awe us all the more? Are you familar with the band, and if so, can you tell us anything of interest, good or bad?