Gordon Duncan, guitarist Olie Tretheway, drummer harry Bland, and guitarist Yonnis Crampton....I stumbled over this by accident and was impressed enough to try to share the wealth, it's good old 1970's-style riff rock, and when a hot-ass babe is fronting it up, you KNOW that is enough for me at least......this is a pretty damn good album......I don't know if they are ones to complain about being shared, of course, if they ARE, I will remove the disc at once, but, for now, I find this to be a good-to-excellent hard rock album, and, hey, isn't that what we are all here for anyway?
BLACK STATE HIGHWAY-01 Conclusion/02 Ain't Got Know/03 Broken/04 Free/05 Sacrifice/06 Tekkers/07 Common Man/08 Trouble
Give this one a shot if you are simply a lover of ROCK N ROLL, this is a pretty damn good one.....as I said before if ANYONE (artist, label, etc) objects, I will remove it, but in the meantime, this is a very, very good album, that you WILL want to enjoy, and I want to spread around a bit. If I were to compile a "best albums of 2014" (I'm not) chances are this would be on it, so PLEASE check this and share, comment, etc.......please?