stuff of thiers today,
enough so that back in the good ol' days I'd have titled this "The Best Dead Kennedys post, EVER", back before titles such as
that recieved so much criticism from the superior blogs out there. Lots of live stuff, some EP's, let us see what all we
have......in case you're specifically looking for them, yesterday's post, in addition to the studio releases, included a 1978
demo tape and a German boot "Skateboard Party".
1984's "Never Been on MTV" boasts great sound quality, as well as a version of "Police Truck", the track which was oddly
dropped from the CD versions of "Fresh Fruit".....one of the better boots you'll hear from the Kennedys, closing with a
slamming duo of "Nazi Punks Fuck Off" and "We've Got a Bigger Problem Now"...recommended.
"Give Me Convenience Or Give Me Death" is a fine compilation of rare tracks and B-sides, including another stab at "Police
Truck", also gems like "Kinky Sex Makes the World Go Round" and "Night of the Living Rednecks"......the fine non-LP track
"Too Drunk To Fuck" is here, also a version of "I fought the Law", a winner and highly recommended.
Released in 1992, we have "Spend July 4 With DK" is a fairly run of the mill live set, a German release of a 1982 London show, fairly predictable set list....not bad, not spectacular.
"Live at the Deaf Club, 3/3/79" is a somewhat sloppy bootleg, one of those "more interesting than listenable" efforts, notable for the inclusion of a "disco version" of "Kill the Poor", as well as a version of "Back in the USSR".....fans of the band will find it essential, the casual listener might not so much.
Now, "Live and Alive" is a bootleg comprised of tracks from OTHER live bootlegs, such as the ones here ("Skateboard Party", "Never Been on MTV", etc).....being too lazy to check to see if there is ANY non-overlapping tracks, I'm going to go ahead and include it here.
I have an Old Waldorf show from 1979 (unsure of the EXACT date) which seems fairly rare, it's a short and energetic set loaded with stuff from "Fresh Fruit", closing with the strange choice of "Dreadlocks of the Suburbs".
Finally, I have something which is labeled as "Jello's REvenge", confusingly, the first nine tracks are taken from the above Old Waldorf set, EXCEPT FOR "Police Truck"! Did I miss something about that song? I swear I don't remember any controversy or anything about it, my memory is slipping me, not that it exactly glorifies police work or anything, but I swear I recall no official "ban" on it or anything......the remainder of the "Jello's Revenge" is from a 1985 show (The Farm, San Francisco), so pay attention, I am going to include both here, I hope I have explained the difference adequately, but if there WAS some actual controversy over "Police Truck" I want to make sure and re-ignite it if possible.
That's about all I have, I had a flexi-disc around here that had some of their stuff on it, not sure if it has anything non-overlapping on it, can't find it anyway.......anyone with any stuff from the Dead Kennedys that I haven't got, please assist the completists, they had a lot of good material and seemingly (I never saw them) were quite a live band as well, and, as is always important to me, they stood up for the rights of the individual. At least that is something.
GIVE ME CONVENIENCE OR GIVE ME DEATH-01 Police Truck/02 Too Drunk to Fuck/03
California Uber Alles/04 The Man With the Dogs/05 Insight/06 Life Sentence/07 A Child and His Lawnmower/08 Holiday In Cambodia/09 I Fought the Law/10 Saturday Night Holocaust/11 Pull My Strings/12 Short Songs/13 Straight A's/14 Kinky Sex Makes the World Go Round/15 The Prey/16 Night of the Living Rednecks/17 Buzzbomb From Pasadena
SPEND JULY 4 WITH THE DK-01 Intro/02 Bleed For Me/03 Keep On Factory/04 Forward to Death/05 Dog Bite/06 Life Sentence/07 Trust Your Mechanic/08 Moral Majority/09 The Man With The Dogs/10 Halloween/11 Riot/12 Nazi Punks Fuck Off/13 Too Drunk To Fuck/14 When Ya Get Drafted/15 Rawhide
MUTINY ON THE BAY-01 Intro/02 Police Truck/03 Kill The Poor/04 Holiday In Cambodia/05 Moon Over Marin/06 California Uber Alles/07 MTV-Get Off the Air/08 Too Drunk To Fuck/09 Goons of Hazzard/10 This Could Be Anywhere/11 Forward to Death/12 I Am the Owl/13 Hellnation/14 Riot
LIVE AT THE DEAF CLUB-01 Intro/02 Kill the Poor (Disco Version)/03 Back In Rhodesia/04 Man With the Dogs/05 Gaslight/06 California Uber Alles/07 Ill In the Head/08 Straight A's/09 Short Songs/10 Holiday In Cambodia/11 Police Truck/12 Forward To Death/13 Have I The Right/14 back in the USSR/15 Viva Las Vegas
LIVE AND ALIVE-01 Man With the Dog/02 Forward to Death/03 Keep On Factory/04 Live Sentence/05 Trust Your Mechanic/06 Moral Majority/07 Forest Fire/08 Winnebago Warrior/09 Police Truck/10 Holiday In Cambodia/11 Let's Lynch the Landlord/12 Chemical Warfare/13 California Uber Alles/14 Too Drunk To Fuck/15 Hop With the Jet Set/16 A Child and His Lawn Mower/17 Religious Vomit/18 MTV-Get Off the Air/19 Rock O Rama/20 Goons of Hazzard/21 Bleed For Me/22 Nazi Pigs Fuck Off (We've Got a Bigger Problem Now)
In the Head/05 Short Songs/06 California Uber Alles/07 Kill the Poor/08 Funland at the Beach/09 When Ya Get Drafted/10 Dreadlocks of the Suburbs
JELLO'S REVENGE-01 Holiday In Cambodia/02 Chemical Warfare/03 Ill In the Head/04 Short Songs/05 California Uber Alles/06 Kill the Poor/07 Funland at the Beach/08 When Ya Get Drafted/09 Dreadlocks of the Suburbs/10 Take This Job and Shove It/11 Macho Insecurity/12 Man With the Dogs/13 Soup Is Good Food/14 Too Drunk To Fuck/15 MTV Get Off the Air/16 A Child and His Lawnmower/17 One Way Ticket to Pluto/18 Lie Detector
Hope you guys enjoy them........good luck Royals in the ALCS!