I will see how this is recieved I have a ton of these punk comps loaded with unknowns, maybe not for everyone, but we'll see how this one goes down.
FEARLESS FLUSH SAMPLER-01 CHUCK-Punk Rock In Your Face/02 GLU GUN-The Scene Is Not For Sale/03 STRUNG OUT-Jacqueline/04 30 FOOT TALL-Punk Rocks In Yer Head/05 STRAIGHT FACED-Convictions/06 BLOUNT-Discouragement/07 DRUNK IN PUBLIC-Everyday/08 BIGWIG-1-800-Whipped/09 WHITE KAPS-Dork/10 DEAD LAZLO'S PLACE-Waiting For Armo/11 THE GRABBERS-Better Life/12 STRUNG OUT-Season of the Witch/13 GLU GUN-Life Sentence/14 CHUCK-Armistice Day/15 STRAIGHT FACED-Regret/16 BLOUNT-Time Spent/17 WHITE KAPS-Disco Ball/18 BIGWIG-Old Lady/19 DRUNK IN PUBLIC-Dreaming/20 THE GRABBERS-Thanks/21 STRAIGHT FACED-Standing On the Edge/22 DEAD LAZLO'S PLACE-PB&J/23 WHITE KAPS-Date Rape/24 30 FOOT TALL-Dancing With Myself/25 30 FOOT TALL-Untitled Track