continues with another huge selection. This download, intended as a free give away, is entitled "Mansplaining On The Dancefloor"....if you've investigated the other collections, like those, this one contains some artwork, printable flyers and posters, as well as a list of band links with an impassioned plea (with which I agree) to support these bands that paricipated in this extraordinary project.
AIVERY-You Got Lost/04 ANA TRASH (aka BOOM BOOM TRASH)-Full of Shit/05 CAT BEAR TREE-Crayons/06 DAISIED-Cannibal Eye/07 DEAD BY PREGNANCY-Sexism/08 DOLL FIGHT!-Plastic Revolution/09 DRAINED GLORY-Terminal/10 FACTORY ACTS-Stock Exchange/11
Die/02 MOLASSES-No Weaker A Being/03
PSY'AVIAH-On My Own/04 PUNCKE-Ritam Kaosa/05 SALTO NEL BUIO-La Paura Non Trionfeà/06 SECONDHAND UNDERPANTS-Get in the Car/07 SEE THE TRAIN, IT'S YOURS-The Dream Machine/08 SICK SAD WORLD-Microwave Cakes/09 SQUID-Leave us alone/10
THE BLOODY MUFFS-Yoink!/11 THE BOYS-Stripper/12 THE CRYPTICS-Bluebell/13
TITTENBONUS-666 Kisses/14 V FOR VAGINA - Les Filles De Bikini Kill (You Are Not The Queen Of My Neigbourghood)/15 VAGUE-A'-BONDE-Evolved/16 VEREINE-Wild Recording/17
SCHABAKA!-Poiditje Damoi
Please enjoy, and support these bands and this project.