and are NOT "lost classics"......Melissa was the one-time bassist for Hole, and later, replaced D'arcy as Smashing Pumpkins bassist before embarking on these solo efforts. The most memorable thing about her, to me, is a moment on one of the great Hole bootlegs, in which Courtney Love announces that Hole is "the best fucking band on the bill",and that "Everyone should stay, to see your butt Melissa", oh that wacky Courtney.
Anyway: in 2004 she released "Auf der Maur", a decent enough 12 song collection......sort of Hole-lite, perhaps, but I was always a huge fan of Hole, so, sue me...."Lightning Is My Girl", "Followed the Waves", "Real a Lie", and "Taste You" are the standout numbers here, I have included as a bonus track her singing "Paranoid"during a period when she was singing with a Black Sabbath cover band!
The follow up, "Out of Our Minds", (2010), isn't maybe quite as good, but it is decent as well, tracks like "The Hunt" and "Meet Me On the Darkside" would have fit in pretty well on the debut.....
In my opinion these are not especially well known albums, if you are a fan of 1990's alt/grunge, certainly they will be worth a listen to you, personally, I like them, and as they are such unknown efforts, I'd like you to check them out and comment upon them.......variety variety variety and PLUS I haven't seen these on too many of the blogs, either I don't think......so enjoy!
AUF DER MAUR-01 Lightning Is My Girl/02 Followed the Waves/03 Real a Lie/04 Head Unbound/05 Taste You/06 I'll Be Anything You Want/07 Beast of Honor/08 My Foggy Notion/09 Would If I Could/10 Overpower Thee/11 Skin Reciever/12 I Need I Want I Will/13 BONUS-Paranoid
OUT OF OUR MINDS-01 The Hunt/02 Out of Our Minds/03 Isis Speaks/04 Lead Horse/05 Follow the Map/06 22 Below/07 Meet Me On the Darkside/08 This Would Be Paradise/09 Father's Grave/10 The Key/11 The One/12 1000 Years/13 Mother's Red Box
Links be coming, still to requests and suggestions.......PLEASE let me know what you think of these, plenty more off the wall stuff in the CD collection for us to share, but what I love MUCH MORE is when others get involved (Dave Sez already goes WAY beyond the call of duty!) and share stuff that THEY have with the rest of the world.....together we can help each other to that PERFECT, CUSTOMIZED music collection!