Staat are singer/guitarist Torre Florim, guitarist Vedran Mircetic, bassist Jop van Summeren, synth/sampling whiz Rocco Bell, and drummer Tim van Delft.....they have released three albums (only two of which I happen to have here), they have a fairly unique electronic/alternative (normally I hate that term but it seems to fit here)/stoner blend that is nothing if not interesting.
So, where to begin......these guys have a pretty unique sound, both of their albums feature a lot of outside noise/sampling (perhaps something like Pink Floyd used to do) and alot of unorthodox song structures ala Queens of the Stone Age......I'm doing my best, sorry....
The 2009 debut "Wait For Evolution" was one of the better releases of that year, not that most of the USA would take notice....."Habibi", the title track, and "The Fantastic Journey of the Underground Man" are standout moments, but, for me at least, this works something like a Pink Floyd album (TWO Pink Floyd mentions?) in that I think it works best listened to as a whole.
The follow up, "Machinery" works just as well, pehaps even a little better, as "Ah I See" and "Sweatshop" hit their targets, this is another good album for anyone who might wish for something that doesn't sound like REO Speedwagon, I KNOW there still have to be few of ya still out there....right? ......right?.....
Anyway, it's a given that De Staat are not going to be for all of us.....I have yet to hear their latet release, 2013's "I_Con", couldn't find a copy online either, so if ya happens to have one, well....yu know.....
Anyway I like these albums a good bit, perhaps if you wish to dance along the edge a bit you will as well.....perhaps not too, but as has been well-documented, everyone cannot be pleased by everyone else, and that, my children, is why Baskin-Robbins has 31 flavours.....
Please leave a comment if you sample these, I hope you enjoy them, they really are pretty good....an if ya happen to have that "I_Con" effort, please at least tell me about it......
WAIT FOR EVOLUTION-01 Sleep Tight/02 The Fantastic Journey of the Underground Man/03 I Am Here To Lose Control/04 Wait For Evolution/05 Habibi/06 We're Gonna Die/07 My Blind Baby/08 Kill The Man/09 Meet the Devil/10 You'll Be the Leader/11 Taste It/12 Love It
MACHINERY-01 Ah I See/02 Sweatshop/03 I'll Never Marry You/04 Old McDonald Ain't Got No Farm No More/05 I'm a Rat/06 Keep Me Home/07 Tumbling Down/08 Pycho Disco/09 Rooster-Man/10 Serial Killer/11 Back to the Grind
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