Le Tigre were formed by Kathleen Hanna of Bikini Kill (on whom I have never done a post, but should, really liked some of their stuff as well) along with Johanna Fateman and JD Samson (Sadie Benning was a member for the first album only, I beleive)...the self titled debut came out in 1999, I don't think I could describe the style/sound any better than I already have, this is pure lesbian/feminist music, as "pure" as one could possibly want to hear.....again, if this is your "thing", it's pretty damn good ("Hot Topic" and "What's Yr Take on Cassavettes?" are standout tracks, not that they are the only ones)....in my opinion, though, their best moment was 2001's fine "Feminist Sweepstakes" with some crushing tunes like "Fake French" and the fabulously angry "FYR" (their best track, IMO).....if you only want to try out ONE, make it "Feminist Sweepstakes"......
They switched lables and in 2004 released thier final (I assume) "official" album, "This Island", not bad but no match for the two earlier albums.....if you freak for this stuff, though, you will want to have this one as well.....for some reason I have quite a few rarities from these ladies, a fine EP entitled "From the Desk of Mr Lady", which features the classic song title "They Want Us to Make a Symphony Out of the Sound of Women Swallowing Their Own Tongues"....can't go wrong with THAT right? I also have a live EP recorded in Sweden 2002, with a smoking version of "FYR" and some tunes not available on the albums.....
I have another EP, having a hard time finding out exactly what it is, it is 2002 remixes of some of the songs off of "Feminist Sweepstakes", evidently according to some of my gibberish notes, the remixes were possibly performed by electro-wizards Chicks on Speed? I could be wrong about that. Finally ANOTHER remix album, featuring all sorts of remixes of tracks from "This Island".
This is good music, to me......politically it as at the very least challenging and thought provoking, and the better suff like "FYR" hits like a sledgehammer. I know some will not like this, but as I said before, some would not like Skrewdriver (come to think of it I DID post Prussian Blue once, forgot about that)......if you're offended by the views/thoughts of others, frankly, you have wandered into the wrong blog.
The snow is snowing, and I'm going to have to go plow some of it tonight......I hope everyone stays safe. Super Bowl tomorrow, I could care less who wins it, but me thinks it'll be the 49ers taking their sixth SB title......anyone else have any thoughts? I may not even get to watch it live as I may still be plowing snow at that point in time.......if so it will be the first one EVER, yes EVER, that I did not watch live.....if I can make 3 or 4 hundred bucks plowing snow and have a perfectly working TIVO common sense dictates showing me the money.....even if the Vikings were playing? Don't be silly......I'd be plowng in HELL, because it will, in such a case, no doubt be freezing over......
LE TIGRE-01 Deceptacon/02 Hot Topic/03 What's Yr Take on Cassavettes?/04 The Empty/05 Phanta/06 Eau d'Bedroom Dancing/07 Let's Run/08 My My Metrocard/09 Friendship Station/10 Slideshow at Free University/11 Dude Yr So Crazy/12 Les and Ray
FEMINIST SWEEPSTAKES-01 LT Tour Theme/02 Shred A/03 Fake French/04 FYR/05 On Guard/06 Much Finer/07 Dyke March 2001/08 Tres Bien/09 Well Well Well/10 TGIF/11 My Art/12 Cry For Everything Bad That's Ever Happened/13 Keep On Livin'
THIS ISLAND-01 On the Verge/02 Seconds/03 Don't Drink Poison/04 After Dark/05 Nanny Nanny Boo Boo/06 TKO/07 Tell You Now/08 New Kicks/09 Viz/10 This Island/11 I'm So Excited/12 Sixteen/13 Punker Plus
FROM THE DESK OF MR LADY-01 Get Off the Internet/02 Bang! Bang!/03 They Want Us To Make a Symphony Out of the Sound of Women Swallowing Their Own Tongues/04 Yr Critique/05 Gone B4 Yr Home/06 Mediocrity Rules/07 All That Glitters
LIVE SWEEN 2002-01 Tour Theme/02 My Art/03 The Empty/04 FYR/05 My My Metrocard/06 Mediocrity Rules/07 Critique/08 Keep On Livin'/09 Deceptacon/10 Let's Run
2002 REMIXES-01 Decaptacon/02 Dyke March 2001/03 Much Finer/04 Tres Bien/05 On Guard/06 Mediocrity Rules
Links hopefully in a little while if that wonderous Zippyshare continues it's fine performance