Sometimes I find something accidentally on Pirate Bay or wherever, that I just cannot wait to share with everyone.....I haven't listened to this (I will by the time it's posted), I happened over this comp and totally freaked, seems to be taylor-made for this blog....I still have that huge (100+ albums) of Greek punk, STILL want to post it, the problem is the names/titles etc are in Greek, not just language but FONT so I can't really even ask for translation help as I can't replicate the titles on my good ol' USA keyboard......anyway, is was just poking around and found this collection, sounds AWESOME, I know what I will be listening to on the to and from commute tomorrow.
This is entitled "Rock is Forever"(2014) (gotta LOVE that!), there are some twenty tracks by 20 different bands I've never heard of, as I said by the time I post this I will listen to it and maybe something will blow me away enough that I will comment/recommend it, but as for now, as always, expand your horizons, listen to some fine foreign language rock n roll (I'll convert you if it kills me!), if it sucks, it sucks, what are we out anyway? Rock n roll is UNIVERSAL and I hope that you don't care if I lazilly copy/paste the track list from the Bay rather than use my normal format......and PLEASE listen to this and comment......I know it isn't REO goddamn Speedwagon or something, but that is not exactly the point here. New, different
sounds....new, different sounds....if that is what you are interested in, you are in the right spot. Now get busy listening/COMMENTING! Sorry but this set is about THREE SECONDS over fitting on a single CD, guess we gotta break it down to two...
01 - ARIA - Will and Reason 1986.mp3
02 - KRUIZ - Rock is Forever 1986.mp3
03 - BLACK COFFEE - Rise of Life 1987.mp3
04 - HARD DAY - In Flight 1987.mp3
05 - MAGNIT - Listen to Rock 1987.mp3
06 - FRONT - Gloomy Walls 1987.mp3
08 - AUGUST - Demon 1987.mp3
09 - KORMUKHINA - Time has Come 1988.mp3
10 - MARKIZA - Listen my Friend 1988.mp3
01 - SPRUT - Kapital 1990.mp3
02 - MASTER - We don't Want 1989.mp3
03 - EST - Father Spare these Horses 1989.mp3
04 - BLACK OBELISK - The Wall 1991.mp3
05 - MONOMAKH - Save Me 1990.mp3
06- KRUGER - Nine Rings of Orodruin 1991.mp3
07 - RED RISE - Superman 1991.mp3
08 - FIRST AID - Time to See Clearly 1989.mp3
09 - DEMARSH - You'll Be The First 1991.mp3
10 - DIALOG - Red Rock 1988.mp3
OK, listened to these today...they are just OK, not going into heavy rotation around here anytime soon, but as a curiosity, this is just the thing.....alot of it sounds REALLY slickly produced, reminding me of maybe Scorpions, or Judas Priest after they got suckish, American bands like (gag) Poison......a few others get a little more "thrashy" or punkish, but for the most part it sounds a lot like the slick hair metal of the 1980's that I dislike in general .....NOT great albums, but TOTALLY great novelties/curiosities......see what you think!
Links shortly......