Vocalist Carolyn Stratton does a more than passable Grace Slick immitation, and guitarist Dean Keady sticks enough odd-ball effects into his six-string work as to mak this a wonderful, unknown period piece.
Though this was lumped into the "Bosstown Sound' disaster (Ultimate Spinach, Tangerine Zoo, and more), they were superior, bit creatively and musically.......check "Mr. Man" and "Crystal Forms", two of the better acid tracks of the era, not kidding......the whole albm merits a listen, ,abe 3, 3.5 stars depening upon the mood one is in, I like the album and always have. I recommend it to you NOT necessarily if you were a "Bosstown" sound fan, but more if you were a fan of Northern-California acid-folk-rock.......if you are, chacnes are you may consider this a semi-unknown classic disc, and PLEASE give it a chance and let me know what you think!
THE FOR MUDGE MUEMORIAL DUMP-01 Mr Man/02 Crystal Forms/03 Actions of a Man/04 Blues' Tune/05 The Seventh Is Death/06 What Good Is Spring/07 Tomorrow/08 Know Today/09 Questionable Answer/10 The Singer.
It's a good album, a fairly unknown one, and I would like to hear what you think of it......especaily youngsters, and people my age....I think it's an enjoyable disc for all of us!