I don't have your email address, but I have a project I think you can be of a lot of help with.....I have probably 100 (or more) Greek punk albums, in which the titles/track names etc are in the original Greek font....I would bet with your help I can straighten it out, and perhaps you can tell me whch are the good ones, not so good ones, and etc......we can work this out via email, I think, I think you speak SOME English (I may be wrong there), but I can send you some of the albums, or whatever, for your review.....like I there are a TON of them, we'd have to do it in multiple seciotns, but if you are willing, this could be another somewhat unique and interesting post for music lovers around the world.......any of you country men rom Greece are welcome to help with the project, but as you are a long time friend of the log, let me know and we can get started on this project, I think it will be worth it for everyone to hear all of these Greek punk bands that we in USA at least have never hearad of! Please contact me here OR at
csgmiller@sbcglobal.net, thanks!
(The model here is Debbie Matanapolis (sp?) who is hot and might have been born in Greece, or at least to Greek parents, or at least changed her name to a Greek name, and by the way,is hot.