Apparently they have issued two albums, 2004's "Dantzaldiko Erreginak" and 2006's "Stereosaurus" Spanish is VERY rusty (I took it last period my sophomore year in high school, what did you expect me to do, like, GO or something? Anyway, maybe I should have, I might understand what these folks were singing about, sounds good though, one of them is a chiquita with a very fine voice, the guitar playing is top-notch and the use of keyboards on this type of stoner rock is almost even innovative.
DANTZALDIKO ERREGINAK-01 Felson/02 Dantzaldiko Erreginak/03 Blancoman/04 Hanken Artean/05 Basamortu Motela/06 Topper Harley/07 El Demonio/08 Gorrotoa Naiz/09 Deusezezinak/10 Ikusten Zaitut/11 Sua/12 Megalodon/13 Entzun Haizea
STEREOSAURUS-01 Tunelaren Buruko Argia/02 Shanghai/03 Carrandi/04 Chupacabras/05 Planeta Militarra/06 Zapiaren Dantza/07 Supertubo/08 Elur Bola Infernuan/09 Naide/10 Pozoina/11 Azal Gorriak/12 Ohe Azpiko Munstroa/13 Erzin da Azaluda/14 Jack Boy
Please report back......I like these discs a good bit and would like to know if you do as well.....what are your feelings (talking to the Yanks right now) on foreign language stuff that I post from time to time.....I'm quite a fan of it, but I know a lot of folks don't care for it......I just think that when we can make NOTHING of the lyrics then the music REALLY has to drive the point home, right?
Still upping the MC5 Links, there are a lot and it's going slowly, I'll get these up as soon as the 5 is done!