Well, I had hoped to get the super-mega Au Pairs thing posted today, but it's not quite ready for public consumption yet......a lot of stuff there and I want Dave Sez to be able to say I done him proud. Plus, my son had a basketball game this evening, so obviously that would take priority over you slugs. Fear not, though, I bring to you a short, fun, and wonderful album from the terrifically named Banana Erectors.
If you took down the "Alright, This Time Just the Girls" set a couple months or so back, you'll be familiar with these lassies, drummer Hottie, bassist Takashi Okutaki, guitarist Takashi Okazaki, and singer Masumi Toshikawa.....the more enlightened among you may have acertained that these ladies hail from the land of the rising sun......give this a shot, it is a real hoot.
Imagine, if you will, a garage-full of Ramones wanna-be's backing up a vocalis who sounds something like Yoko Ono, and you'd about have it......thirteen Ramones-length tracks, each guarenteed to bring a smile to one's face. The covers are awesome ("I'm Henry the VIII, I Am" and especially "Fun at the Beach" and "I Woke Up In Love This Morning"), and, as often happen with music from distant far away lands, sometimes the language barrier creates a funny moment or two ("Jenny Is) Looking For Flavor", "Disagreeable Sensation")........every single track here is a winner, unless you are one of those "I take my rock n roll SERIOUSLY, MAAAAN" types, and if you are what ever would you be doing here? Waiting for the "Best Emerson Lake and Palmer post, ever"?
Link in a minute, hopefully the full wealth of Au Pairs will be ready tomorrow!
01 Pretzel Eatin' Rocke/02 Teenage 3k Worker/03 Fed Up With High School Days/04 Get Married To Your Job/05 I Woke Up In Love This Morning/06 Danger Zone/07 (Jenny Is) Looking For Flavor/08 Pierrot le Fou/09 Im Henry the VIII I Am/10 Break My Heart/11 Fun at the Beach/12 I Don't Wanna Be Alone Tonight/13 Disagreeable Sensation
From 1999, by the way.......
Goodnight Marilyn Milian, wherever you are!