If you love fuzz guitar, if you love late 60's psych morphing into soemthing else, this is for you.... a mind melting experience, LOADED with fuzz guitar spasms and spaced out lyrics: "Maypole turns into the joystick, of an aeroplane.....your hair is free, you're wearing specs, you look like Michael Caine"........whoa, and that is maybe tenth of it ("Maypole" is perhaps my favorite track but they are ALL worthwhile, trust me......if this is a album with which you are unfamiliar, dig in and than me later, it's a fine, fine disc.......been lacking a bit with these single disc posts of late, don't worry, some BIG posts comine, Strangelers, Siouxsie, Motorhead, Yo La Tengo and mor, all of which just take a LOT of time to work thorough....for now, this is fun though, scraping up an album or 2 from the early 1970's, which was a great time!
AROUND THE EDGES-01 Darkide/02 Maypole/03 Live For Today/04 RC8/05 Cat/06 Zero Time
OK a couple of more things: Dave Sez, are you finished sending me the Au Pairs stuff? I was thinking there was anohter to come, and when I get them all, I will create a SUPER A PAIRS post which will chill everyone to the bones....in the future Dave, I'll handle things YOUR way....rather than posting them as soon as I get them, I will wait until you notify me that you have compeleted an act/band, and THEN I will create a "new" post with all your goodies and anything else I might have.....for some reason I was posting the links as soon as you sent them to me, and that is PROBABLY not the best way to get stuff to the target audience of people that wish to hear it.....live and learn, what can I say......I'll do you better in the future, you'll see......I did the Jam up fine , remember?
Now another couple of words about these asinine comments have been recieving daily.....OK, I am NOT gay, never have been gay, and likely never will be.....I have been married to the lovely Carla for some 27 years now, we have a great son named Grant, so where it comes from that am "gay" is ridiculous......quite frankly, though, I WOULD MUCH RATHER BE GAY, than be as idiotic as the person who continues to leave theses stupid comments here each day.......how much energy, how much effort, are you putting into a blog that you HATE SO MUCH? Does that not seem cunterproductive, even to someone like yourself who obviously isn't all that smart? why not go to one of the 1000's of sights where you will actually enjoy yourself.......they are probably run by teens/20's and I'm sure name calling is the norm......why then try to bringdown the enjoyment level (successfully) of the people who read/participate here daily? JUST WHAT IS YOUR POINT? spell it out, maybe we wil reach an understanding.....you keep saying you are "going away, forever", and then, guess what, the next day you are back with more idiocy? WHY do you wish to waste EVERYONE's (including your own) time? I simply DO NOT GET IT.....Do you think calling me a "fag" makes me cry? Do you think it will make me stop blogging? WHAT THEN? What is your ultimate goal? It really makes NO sense, but carry on as you will, but PLEASE understnd that EVERYONE here is laughing AT you, and by no means WITH you!