Whatver led these ladas to name their combo "Lesbian" I will never know, I suppose they have a witty answer about how they "like sex with women" or something.....anyway, it ranks with one of the odder band names that I recall, inparticular for a band determined to crank out some Opeth-lengthed magnum-opi of doomy, stoner , sludge creations.....three albums for ya here, all decent, and from the U S OF A!
The original lineup of Lesbian were lead guitarist Arran McInnis, guitarist Daniel La Rochelle, bassist/vocalist Dorando Hodous and drummer Benjamin Thomas-Kennedy.....they have cranked out three fine albums of sludgy/stoner-doom, maybe a cleaned up Opeth, perhaps, or something like that.
The first album, 2004's "Power Hor", features but four tracks, as short as 8:38 and as long as 24:51, so you understand right now what kinda turf you are on. Me? Fuck, I love this shit to death, great Ipod music for grocery shopping, fantastic "annoy the annoying neighbors shit", VERY purposeful...the highlight of this disc (and, again, there are only four tunes) would have to be "Powerwhorses" simply because the title is so daggone clever, but trust me, it's a sludgy-doom classic!
The second disc, "Stratospheria Cubensis" was released 6 years later with the same? a different? lineup......oh, I just don't care.....it's a fairly similar album, FIVE tracks here instead of four, all of them worthwhile, the sludgy doom of the first disc carries over immediatly to long grooves such as "Poisonous Witchball" and "Poverty and War Forever".....these two albums are semi-classics of their genre/era, ('00's stoner/doom/sludge), I enjoy them quite a bit, you will to if you like Opeth. Or Sleep. Or Kyuss. Or, well, you get the idea....
WOWWEE they have a new album, a 2013 release.....one that I haven't heard. Just discovered it and listened to it today, it's pretty cool, entitled "Forrestelevision", and features but one 40+ minute track over the entire disc....this has been done before, Atomic Bitchwax's "local Fuzz", and Sleep's "Dopesmoker", I don't know, honestly I think it gets a little boring, but there ya go......it's NEW and it's HERE, grab it up should ya desire it......
Striving for variety, variety, variety, variety......TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT and I'll see what I can do, as long as it is not something I would have made fun of you for listening to had we went to high school together....
Hey, ya don't like these discs? No worries, we'll be back with something that perhaps you will LOVE TO DEATH tomorrow!
POWER HOR-01 Black Forest Ham/02 Powerwhorses/03 Loadbath/04 Irreversible
STRATOSPHERIA CUBENSIS-01 Poisonous Witchball/02 Poverty and War Forever/03 Raging Arcania/04 Stropharia Cubensis/05 Black Stygian
FORESTELEVISION-01 Forestelevision
Links in a little bitty while.....tomorrow is friday and I have to go back to work.......someone cheer me, up, tell me I'll find a new job soon and can retire from this gay-ass one! Meanwhile, let me know what you think of Lesbian (the BAND, perv, not two of em rolling around on the floor!)
The original lineup of Lesbian were lead guitarist Arran McInnis, guitarist Daniel La Rochelle, bassist/vocalist Dorando Hodous and drummer Benjamin Thomas-Kennedy.....they have cranked out three fine albums of sludgy/stoner-doom, maybe a cleaned up Opeth, perhaps, or something like that.
The first album, 2004's "Power Hor", features but four tracks, as short as 8:38 and as long as 24:51, so you understand right now what kinda turf you are on. Me? Fuck, I love this shit to death, great Ipod music for grocery shopping, fantastic "annoy the annoying neighbors shit", VERY purposeful...the highlight of this disc (and, again, there are only four tunes) would have to be "Powerwhorses" simply because the title is so daggone clever, but trust me, it's a sludgy-doom classic!
The second disc, "Stratospheria Cubensis" was released 6 years later with the same? a different? lineup......oh, I just don't care.....it's a fairly similar album, FIVE tracks here instead of four, all of them worthwhile, the sludgy doom of the first disc carries over immediatly to long grooves such as "Poisonous Witchball" and "Poverty and War Forever".....these two albums are semi-classics of their genre/era, ('00's stoner/doom/sludge), I enjoy them quite a bit, you will to if you like Opeth. Or Sleep. Or Kyuss. Or, well, you get the idea....
WOWWEE they have a new album, a 2013 release.....one that I haven't heard. Just discovered it and listened to it today, it's pretty cool, entitled "Forrestelevision", and features but one 40+ minute track over the entire disc....this has been done before, Atomic Bitchwax's "local Fuzz", and Sleep's "Dopesmoker", I don't know, honestly I think it gets a little boring, but there ya go......it's NEW and it's HERE, grab it up should ya desire it......
Striving for variety, variety, variety, variety......TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT and I'll see what I can do, as long as it is not something I would have made fun of you for listening to had we went to high school together....
Hey, ya don't like these discs? No worries, we'll be back with something that perhaps you will LOVE TO DEATH tomorrow!
POWER HOR-01 Black Forest Ham/02 Powerwhorses/03 Loadbath/04 Irreversible
STRATOSPHERIA CUBENSIS-01 Poisonous Witchball/02 Poverty and War Forever/03 Raging Arcania/04 Stropharia Cubensis/05 Black Stygian
FORESTELEVISION-01 Forestelevision
Links in a little bitty while.....tomorrow is friday and I have to go back to work.......someone cheer me, up, tell me I'll find a new job soon and can retire from this gay-ass one! Meanwhile, let me know what you think of Lesbian (the BAND, perv, not two of em rolling around on the floor!)