I think this might be the easiest way of doing this thing.....I am going to repost all the discs from the FIRST SIX posts, and if I can specifically find something more recent than that that you are missing, I'll put that up too.....I THINK most everything from 7 to present is still available on Zippyshare, but they only stay up for 30 days if noone downloads them for that period....hopefully some late comers saved the day on that. OK, here is what I ask you to do NOW, in the comments section of THIS post. List any disc you are missing, that is in PART SEVEN or MORE RECENT......got it? PART SEVEN or MORE RECENT. FIRST CHECK IF THEY ARE AVAILABLE.....you have no idea how mad at you I will be if you tell me you need this disc or that disc and I go chack and find it to be avaialable. LIVID! Don't do that to me, I am such a great guy. OK, I am STARTING the reups for Parts 1-6 RIGHT NOW. The links will be up (some of em) later tonight/tomorrow......I won't get this done in a day....(here is another important part, pay attention).....subsequent (that means "the ones that follow") uploads will ALL (that means "every one) be in the comments section of THIS post. THIS ONE. There won't be another one, DO NOT use ANY OTHER POST'S comment section for ANYTHING TO DO with "USA Garage Greats", as of RIGHT NOW......USE THIS ONE. The links will be HERE and any requests for missing discs will be HERE also. DO NOT go to part 15 and tell me that you need something from there and post it under part 15......POST IT HERE. Here, here, here. Not there. Not anywhere else.
If it feels as though I am talking down to you, and you are offended, contact me and I'l show you some of the private emails I've gotten on these discs, and you will FULLY understand the reasoning. OK, the first disc is "going up" right now. Don't know how many I'll get up there today, tomorrow, Saturday, whenever, we will get there, I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOUR NEEDS, but HERE HERE HERE HERE, I cannot stress that enough. Also DO NOT REQUEST ANYTHING IN THE FIRST SIX PARTS. I am going to cover that. Be a little patient and we will get this thing put to bed, and then NEVER AGAIN will I put up any disc from this series, and if you request one after I say so, I am going to teall you to send me some money first, and then I, so help me God I am going to keep your money and not send you ANYTHING. Also, the guy who wants the Dwarves discs, I wll reup THOSE HERE ALSO (I know I said I'll send them to you in the mail, but I am just going to reup those as well, you, sir, I will personally email the links to (I have your addy and I really am sorry that it's taken me so long to get to ya, gimme couple more days)......
So, I know I have picked up some new readers in this last month or so......so, anything you guys want? I MIGHT be inclined to repost some stuff I already have posted, that is no longer available.....here is how you would handle this: You would say, "Scott, I just recently discovered your amazing blog. I went back and reread EVERY ONE of your brilliant posts....I would DEARLY LOVE to hear those really badass sounding Nightstaker discs (or whatever), but the links are no longer active....you describe them so brilliantly, I would do ANYTHING to hear them".....do this and maybe I will put them up, and maybe not....but that is a starting point anyway. You could also WRITE your request on a pair of , say, Pink's soiled undies and mail them to me, that would maybe get my attention. I need LUNCH!......
And so it is written.....hopefully next week I will go back to semi-regular postings, and you will stick around here.....if you were just here for the Garage Greats, that's great too, it's been fun. This blog belongs to ALL you guys, only the CD's per se belong to me, if you want something put up (You should know my tastes by now, if not GO BACK AND READ) let me know, we'll see what happens.....punk, metal, psych, stoner, power pop.....pretty much all of it.
Best of luck to the Vikings vs the Packers in the playoffs this week, too......just an amazing season for the Vikes, who I was as wrong about as a person could POSSIBLY be the entire season (even when they were 9-6 I never dreamed they'd make the playoffs......I personally think they'll lose to Green Bay this week, but since I've been wrong about EVERYTHING they've done so far (I also figured Adrian Peterson was about finished too, GEEEEEZ).....by a stroke of cruel fortune, the game kicksoff at EXACTLY the same time as my son's basketball game Saturday, so I will have to TIVO it and watch after I get home......it'll be alright as long as some tool doesn't come up to me at the basketball game and say "Wow the Vikings are really kicking ass in the first half, huh?"......I am even thinking of putting up a sign at the scorer's table (I am the scorer) that says "IF YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE VIKINGS/PACKERS PLAYOFF GAME DO NOT SAY ANYTHING TO ME ABOUT IT I WANT TO WATCH IT WHEN I GET HOME", but if I do THAT it'd be almost like a written invitation for people to bother me ("Why DON'T you want to know? Where do baby kitties come from?") just gonna hope for the best I guess.
Have a good weekend and the links will be up when they get up.