Hi Scott,
I've read you are looking for the creator of the Fuzz torrents, well, it's me.
I would hang on to the overlap songs for your personal collection because I removed and replaced a lot of them with better sounding and quality.
It was a labor of love making the torrents and I thank you very much with sharing them with the world.
How cool is that? Way appreciative James, you did an incredible job. I also got an email (unfortunately I have deleted) from some tool in one of the bands on Volume 7, I forget which. He was crying that the compilation was no good, and I spelled the name of his fucking band wrong.....what a dope, if your only claim to fame is some 50 year old single, be fucking GRATEFUL, jackass.......anyway, here is volume 10, more to come soon!
SON OF GARAGE FUZZ VOLUME 10-01 KARTUNE KAPERS-Knock On Wood/02 KAVALIERS- Congregation For Anti-Flirts Inc./03 KEITH ALLISON-Action, Action, Action/04 KEITH EVERETT-The Chant/05 KEMPY & THE GUARDIANS-Love For a Price/06 KENNY & THE CASUALS-I'm Not Talking/07 KENSINGTON FOREST-Movin' On/08 KHARMA-NSU/09 KIM FOWLEY-Something New and Different/10 KING FOX-Unforgotten Dreams/11 KINKS-Time Will Tell/12 KNACK-Time Waits For No One/13 KNICKERBOCKERS-High On Love/14 KORDS-Boris the Spider