want to ignore......I'm gonna dance around this a little, but here is the gyst.......remember Zimmerman? He was a folk-rock type from a while back, is quite popular on this site, and often has the resources to get his shit pulled from here, unless I am VERY CREATIVE.......ok, so what did they send? Oh, just a THIRTY SIX DISC box set of a variety of Zim's shows from the 1960's......I HAVE DL'd them and have them both Jon S' Rapidshare link for the whole thing, and John N's individual links for each.......now, what should I do? I DO NOT wish to go to all this trouble if it's going to be fairly ignored. If a lot of you desire this, I'll get it put up.......but how? Do you want them all at once? 3-4 at a time like I do the Clash? Should I do it by request? remember I tried THAT once and it

Thanks to Jon and John, this is a monster, and I don't want to waste it........I am hoping for some good advice on this one!