series, I think letter "B" of the "Son of" (Volume 2) still has around 50 tracks.......geez, one from the Beatles even! So, away we go.......just to lightly touch on the highlights, how about The Beau Brummels, Bubble Puppy, a couple of Bob Seger numbers, even the great Blues Magoos........solid, of course, in every way, has been this incredible torrent series, I'd LOVE to know who created these, so I could thank them, but there is no evidence....I suspect MAYBE ChrisGoes (creator of more brilliant online torrents than any human in history) but I'm not sure......regardless, rock the fuck out to these tracks.......if you are by any chance burning these to disc, sems like to me that "Garage Fuzz", with it's 22 Volumes, would take somewhat close to 30 discs......this part will likely require fewer, guessing 15-17, but this project has been a joy to compile and share. Nugget rock, baby. Nugget rock forever!

SEGER SYSTEM-2+2=/39 BOBBY JAMESON-Gotta Find My Boogaloo/40 BOJAX-Go Ahead and Go/41 BOOTMEN-Off the Hook/42 BOSS MEN-Easy Way Out/43 BRAND X-She Lied/44 BREAKAWAYS-Come See Me/45 BRIKS-I'm Losing/46 BRIMSTONES-It's All Over Now But the Crying/47 BRITISH-NORTH AMERICAN ACT-Don't Run Away/48 BRYAN DAVIES-I Need Help/49 BUBBLE PUPPY-Lonely/50 BUDDY PETERS & THE MAJESTIC FIVE-My Sweet Baby/51 BURLINGTON SQUIRES-Back Up/52 BURLINGTON SQUIRES-World/53 BUSH-To Die Alone/54 BUSHMEN-What I Have I'll Give To You/55 BUZZ-You're Holding Me Down/56 BYSTANDERS-Just Exactly Off

great, rare, and forgotten tunes......plenty more to come, obviously, but I am proud of this series, I think it's great, I just would like to be sure to keep these records ALIVE!