Now, this "link deleting" situation.....after much thought, I think we may just have to live with it for now and see what happens. If i knew WHO exactly were doing it, I'd maybe have a few options, but I don't.....theses are not normal DCMA complaints, but I don't know if a regular Joe can physically perform link deletion, or complain to whomever, but I've kind of studied the artists deleted and the like.......so what shall we do for the short term future? Well, the Garage Fuzzwill continue,as will

space I wish to use to debate it at the moment......
Ok, just continue as normal, maybe a little quicker if you really want something.......ill try, along with my team
of helpers, to keep this blog to the standard that I am somewhat proud of, I think we get some fairly esoteric stuff up there, it's great when we occasionally get "this one band" or "David Jones" or whatever, and if I get more I'll post and tap dance around them as best I can, but there is no question, that kind of thing is being shot down quick......
what do I ask of you (any of you)? Well, trust me, contributions are appreciated like you would NEVER believe, imo they make the blog. Anyway if you have ANYTHING you want to share (and recall, it doesn't have to be music, comics, literature, magazines, hi to collections, artwork.......all has been featured here and well received.....but hell, poetry, recipes, short stories, original artwork........oh my, I so can only wish......but for now, while we are "at war", I guess, with an unknown enemy yet, the more submissions I can get, the better for us all.
Oh, by the way, Kaley Cuoco adorns this post, you're welcome, sweetheart, for the help I gave you with that little problem you were having.....any time baby, just ask.....glad to be or service. You left your panties here, I mail them, or just eat them?
Much love
Scott M