forgotten that John N had previously submitted their previous work, "Without Love We Parrish" and the EP "Heavenly Choir of Jet Engines".....well, as much as I enjoyed the new release, I decided to check these ones out STAT, the LP "Without Love...." is what I am listening to at the moment, sounds great, the kind of stuff I really like......trippy, dreamy, and yet, rocking.....as I've said a zillion times, I THINK that is where we (hard rock lovers) are going in the mid-late 2010's......I could be full of shit, but it sounds like the ultimate in ultra-hip rock music to me at least.......I guess we'll see, I couldn't count how many times I've been wrong, starting with getting out of bed most days.

WITHOUT LOVE WE PARRISH-01 Hopper/02 I Love My Man/03 Raven/04 By My Side/05 Never Be Your Lover/06 Undone/07 Blackwood/08 Teen/09 Wicker/10 Gaze
HEAVENLY CHOIR OF JET ENGINES-01 Alone/02 He Goes Down/03 To Pretend/04 Cruel Winter