Below is all the info you need, as well as the track lists if you are interested.....somewhat Grateful Dead/Phish influenced semi-psych jams, worth a listen. We preach VARIETY round here, and I'm always on the look for different sounds to share with the world......I thought this one was pretty good, you can see what you think!
The Electric Fuzz Band
2014-05-16 The Taphouse
Norfolk, VA
FM Broadcast
The Electric Fuzz Band
♣ Jay Morgan - Guitar, vocals
♣ Ryan Russell - Guitar, vocals
♣ Derek Givans - Drums, vocals
♣ Cory Potrafka - Bass, vocals
01. GettinBETTER

02. Searching For Sunshine
03. Fried Neckbones
04. Jingo
05. Blue Hats Little Sister
06. Iron Maiden tease
07. Neighborhood Dispute
08. Sister Sunday
09. Fire On The Mountain
10. Pain and Tears
01. Tienas Llerba Buena
02. Muy Gordo
03. Machine Gun

05. 20th and DeBree
06. Wanna Take You Higher
07. Tripsong
08. Super Slick Butt Kck Mix
09. Revolution Revelation
01. Southbound
02. Grinning In Your Face
03. Franklin's Tower
04. Olde Crowe
05. VoodooCHILD