Unsure who sent me this one, whomever it was, I apologize in advance.......John Garcia was, of course, originally with Kyuss, and has also sung for a couple of other great stoner bands, Slo Burn and Unida (love them both).....this album, his self titled 201 release, obviously owes a lot to the other bands mentioned here, but you know I love me some 00-10's stoner rock, an underappreciated (in it's time, of course) genre if there ever was one since that early 70's psych rock I love so much......anyway, this is fab, surprised I've not run accross it before now, and thanks a load to whomever sent it to me......if YOU did, please step forth and take credit, a good share/submission.....
JOHN GARCIA-01 My Mind/02 Rolling Stoned/03 Flower/04 The Blvd/05 5000 Miles/06 Confusion/07 His Bullets Energy/08 Argleben/09 Saddleback/10 All These Walls/11 Her Bullets Energy