Here's an album sent to us via John N, I think h knew that this crowd would dig this one, from Low Barlow, "Apocalypse Fetish", which is at the very least an intersting effort, as Lou was an eassential member of GREAT 90's bands ala Dinosaur Jr. and (my fave) Sebbadoh.......Lou has that weird vocal style, it carris over well to, well, to our blog........pretty good album, might as well chack this one out as well!
APOCLYPSE FETISH-01 The Breeze/02 Apocalypse Fetish/03 Anniversary Song/04 Pour Reward/05 Try 2 B
I recommend this one, take some Kratom, some ativan, and mybe give this one a "chill listen" cause I think it'll work for ya.......not a bad release, at ALL!