Swahili for freedom, have over the years gone through many personnel changes. The first group members were Garth Dennis, Don Carlos, and Derrick "Ducky" Simpson. Then Carlos left and was replaced by Errol Nelson. During this period the band released its debut album, "Love Crisis", with a different mix, as "Black Sounds of Freedom". Sandra "Puma" Jones joined the group in 1979 with this new line-up; Rose, Simpson, and Jones, they teamed with drummer Sly Dunbar and bass player Robbie Shakespeare. Together they developed a musical style full of deep bass thumps, sharp keyboards, long instrumentals with guitar riffs, whirly background noises, echoes and the signature "woh oh oh's" creating their classic sound; making them one of the most popular reggae groups in the world. Red comes from that period and is one of the groups best releases, in my opinion.
The Dub Factor is one of the most impressive of reggae's electronic-age dub releases. Bristling from the fine mixing work of Paul "Groucho" Smykle, the album is basically a reworking of the band's Chill Out release, albeit in often unrecognizeable form. But if you like your dub with a healthy dose of apocalyptic effects from syndrums, synthesizers, and mixing boards alike, then the Dub Factor will do the trick.
BLACK SOUNDS OF FREEDOM-Track List: 1. I love King Salassie/ 2. Satan Army Band/3. Time to Unite/4. Natural Mystic/5. Eden Out Deh/6. Love Crisis/ 7. African Love/8. Hard Ground/9. Willow Tree/10. Sorry For the Man
Link: http://www66.zippyshare.com/v/ufk4DVwW/file.html

Track List: 1. Youth of Englington/2. Sponji Reggae/3. Sistern/4. Journey/5. Utterance/6. Puff She Puff/7.
Rockstone/ 8. Carbine
Link: http://www110.zippyshare.com/v/n97ZFqPX/file.html
Track List: 1. Ion Storm 2. Youth 3.Big Spliff/4. Boof N Baff N Biff/5. Puffed Out/6. Android Rebellion/7. Apocalypse/8. Back Breaker/9. Sodom/10. Slaughter
Link: http://www99.zippyshare.com/v/ffzQ8v4P/file.html