My friend Ruben Chandler from that great land out west has been around this blog about as long as it has existed, I've enjoyed chatting with him over the years on a variety of topics......he's a WAY cool guy, who has had a LOT of interesting life experiences, and is always a great guy to just shoot the shit with......anyway, after I recently re-upped the Blue Cheer stuff, Ruben sent along an interview he did a while back with Eric Albronda, with whom I am NOT familiar, but according to Ruben was an early member of Blue Cheer.......you know damn well that ANYTHING goes here, in particular stuff that is interesting to ME......thus you get this non-musical post to stimulate the literary section of your mind......and, if this isn't your kinda thing, you can always move on to the next post, right? I've just always found Ruben to be a skilled wordsmith, and an interview with an early Blue Cheer member? Certainly sounds interesting to ME, and THAT is what counts, boyo!