that were posted recently......I found this huge collection on another blog (it's a great blog too.....I DON'T really want to name it by name, because Chris G (as I will call him) has had more blogs shut down than even Brian has, besides, Chris G is THE number one music blogging legend of them all! If you email me I will give you the name of his fantastic, life changing blog, I just DO NOT wish to create trouble for him.
Anyway, I took this collection of tracks from his site, I'm pretty sure that he normally is cool about stuff like that, of course, if he wanted it removed it would happen at once, but I don't think he's like that. Anywya, a gigantic mishmash of tracks taken from BBC Broadcasts, everything but the kitchen sink.......see pasted track list below, but, damn, Blodwyn Pig, Blue Cheer, Guru Guru, Tucky Buzzard, The Edgar Broughton Band.......just a huge collection of mostly very good tracks, I guess you can program them however you like, pick some, or all, or none, or whatever, but I just thought this was a fairly cool selection of various artists, various genres, etc, enjoy, and remember if you want the name of Chris G's blog, send me an email and I'll provide it, I'm just not going to give him any unwanted "publicity".......