anyway, and you know damn well I'm going to put up some Pixies links if I get them.....we've had sort of a mini-Pixies thing going on lately anyway......I've posted these before but I THINK they were vinyl rips, so if you prefer a prositine digital copy, here are both the classics "Bossanova" and "Tromp le Monde", thanks as always John N
BOSSANOVA-01 Cecilia Ann/02 Rock Music/03 Velouria/04 Allison/05 Is She Weird/06 Ana/07 All Over the World/08 Dig For Fire/09 Down to the Well/10 The Happening/11 Blown Away/12 Hang Wire/13 Stormy Weather/14 Havalina
TROMPE LE MONDE-01 Trompe le Monde/02 Planet of Sound/03 Alec Eiffel/04 The Sad Punk/05 Head On/06 U-Mass/07 Palace of the Brine/08 Letter to Memphis/09 Bird Dream of the Olympus Mons/10 Space (I Believe In)/11 Subbacultcha/12 Distance Equals Rate Times Time/13 Lovely Day/14 Motorway to Roswell/15 The Navajo Know