John N sent me this album, he sends me more albums than you would ever believe (which I appreciate the hell out of), and once in a while one of them jumps out at me, a new release with maybe a little less "following" than some of the others, and, when that happens, I try to post it at once and give the artist MORE EXPOSURE......
"Turn Into" is a good album, you will enjoy it if you like maybe Liz Phair (my GODDESS!) or Bif Naked (my OTHER goddess!).......I will damn near PROMISE you that this album will be on year's end "Top 20" list, really surprised me......always loved chick singers, and this one is sexy, dreamy, and DAMNED listenable. Good damn album, you are cheating yourself if you don't dig up on this one.
Thanks a million to John N for this one, it's really good and I am grateful for the share.
TURN INTO-01 Peach Boy/02 Ghost/03 Next to Me/04 Drown/05 Our Red Door/06 Unlimited Touch/07 Why I Say No/08 SLOW/09 Turn Into