great, that some of you will think I am losing what is left of my finer marbles......but this is one of those posts that is for "the rest of us", and you (assuming that you ARE one of "the rest of us") will bu stunned and amazed when you hear these ass-kicking radio ads (ca. 1950's) for nuclear fallout shelters! The whole thing is probably 5 minutes in length, but this is a fucking hoot no matter how ya slice it, in my book anyway.
Hey, THIS is the kid of cool shit that I wish I could trip over every day, I've had this one forever (wish I could credit the source, but I'm afraid it's long forgotten) and, maybe just maybe, this can be one of "those" post that separates "us" from the "regular folks", like the people who don't even find "Metal Machine Music" to be an all-time life changing classic (they DO exist, as amazing as that might be).......
If you care (I don't), here are the "titles" of the tracks, each clocks in at less than a minute:
01 Maximum Protection (General)/02 Comparison/03 value/04 Equipment/05 DYS/06 Maximum Protection (Steel and Concrete)/07 DYS (short)/08 Maximum Protection (Steel and Concrete) (short)/09 Maximum Protection (General) (Short)
Hey, let's be careful out there, it's a dangerous world in which we live!