Anyway, this is a decent piece of hard rock.....Cliff does the reggae, Brian and Jonder do the amazing cover projects, Angie contributes her Pagan-world stuff, Jon S and John N contribute everything under the sun, but the hard rocking stuff? That is BigScott territory as ya should know by now.......anyway I listened to this a couple of days ago, and deemed it to be post-worthy at least, and everything I listen to does not merit that distinction. But this is a solid effort, and perhaps someone out there, another rivithead like myself, or someone from that state "up north" has some more of their work.
"Clean Break Blues" is the standout cut to me, but, really, it's all pretty good and hard rocking all the way through.......see what ya think, and if ya have any of their other trax laying around, might as well share em with us!
BORN UGLY-01 Born Ugly/02 Blood Meridian/03 Home Free/04 Clean Break Blues/05 Notes From Underground/06 Dear Theo/07 Losing End Blues/08 6 to Midnite/09 Strum Und Drang/10 Hats off to Mr. Beardsley/11 World Around/12 Kitchen Sink Blues/13 Last Words
This just happened to sound good to me the other day, I don't terribly often post single albums from bands with multiple-album bodies of work, especially when I have little knowledge of them, but as I said, I grabbed this one, and at that point in time, it sounded damn good to me. Blusey and hard rocking.
And, hey, really........what the FUCK else matters?