(scott) sent to me from the vast archive of John N, we have some new punk from Rebel Flesh, their new LP "Holds You Tight" is a rocking-ass retro-punk effort, reminding me of the Misfits or Dead Boys, great stuff, like stepping into a time machine for 1978.........good damn album here, if you are a punk fan, and, as I've said before, really, if you AREN'T, why, really, are you here? Check out that kick-ass tune "Horror Queen"....this is a good one, at least it clicked for me, see what it does for you!
HOLDS YOU TIGHT-01 Kiss of Blood/02 the Looker/03 Horror Queen/04 Sydney's Kiss/05 Loveless/06 Pentagram Hand/07 Only Tonight/08 Without You/09 Machine Called Death/10 Evangalista/11 Night Streets/12 Star Crossed Crawlers/13 Venom and Vile/14 Black Days Baby
This is a good one, IMO........see what ya think I guess!