know about my memory such as it is......
OK New Orleans Garage Band Greats Volume 1.....Moon Dawgs, Palace Guard, Gunga Dyns, and House of Lords all at least ring a faint bell with me, some others (Zoofs, Dr. Spec's Optical Illusion, Their Singing Bodies) don't but at least have a weirdness factor to their monacles that is often of promise. And Souls of the Slain check in with a version of "7 and 7 Is" which seems to me is climbing the charts quickly behind "Hey Joe" and "Gloria" for the absolute most covered tune of that there 60's decade.
Volume 2 of this set features a lot of holdovers frommthe first set, in fact most all of them, save perhaps I think Leather Pages, Better Half Dozen, and Yesterday's Children (with whom we are familar from some other comps and turn in a version of "Tobacco Road" here) appear on the first set.
Volume 1 of "Louisiana Punk Groups of the 60's" brings us a bunch of bands from the other sets, also some others such as Jimmy & the Offbeats, The Roamin' Togas, and the Young Men, to name a few, and I hope you enjoyed that Souls of the Slain version of "7 and 7 Is" because it's on this one too....ahhh, comp overlap, not much we can do about it......Volume 2 of this set features a lot of the bands that we are, by now after 3 discs, familar with, and introduces us to the Bad Roads, Persian Market, Joe Deginda, and Al Michael & the Medallions, not one of which I know a blamed thing about.

theorize that the Louisiana scene might have been something like the Texas Scene, Jr., and there would be nothing wrong with that......enjoy and be back tomorrow with something/somewhere else!
NEW ORLEANS GARAGE GREATS VOLUME 1-01 GLORY ROADS-I'm Gonna Change the WOrld/02 MOON DAWGS-Keep On Pushing/03 PALACE GUARD-Better Things to Do/04 ZOOFS-Not So Clear/05 GUNGA DYNS-Stick With Her/06 GUNGA DYNS-Rebecca Rodifer/07 DR SPEC'S OPTICAL ILLUSION-She's the One/08 PIRATES-Cuttin Out/09 HOUSE OF LORDS-(This is My) Last Stand/10 HOUSE OF LORDS-Louise/11 THRESHOLD OF SOUND-She's Mine/12 BETTER HALF DOZEN-I'm Gonna Leave You/13 THEIR SINGING BODIES-Diagnosis Neurosis/14 MOON DAWGS-You're No GOod/15 GLORY RHODES-Stay Out of My Way/16 PALACE GUARD-Gas Station Boogaloo Downtown/17 SOULS OF THE SLAIN- 7 & 7 Is/18 PALACE GUARD-Sorry
NEW ORLEANS GARAGE GREATS VOLUME 2-01 PALACE GUARD-No Comin' Back/02 BETTER HALF DOZEN-I COuld Have Loved Her/03 MOON DAWGS-Baby As Time Goes By/04 DR SPEC'S OPTICAL ILLUSION-Tryin To Mess My Mind/05 YESTERDAYS CHILDREN-Go Elsewhere/06 GLORY RHODES-Gonna Be Somebody/07 ZOOFS-Get To Know Yourself/08 LEATHER PAGES-Accept Me For What I Am/09 LEATHER PAGES-The News Is Out/10 THEIR SINGING BODIES-You Gotta Feel It/11 YESTERDAYS CHILDREN-Tobacco Road/12 GLORY RHODES-Not the Kind of Guy/13 GUNGA DYNS-No one Cares/14 GUNGA DYNS-Clouds Don't Shine/15 THEIR SINGING BODIES-Baby Go Away/16 SOULS OF THE SLAIN-Can't Go Now/17 PALACE GUARD-Sideshow/18 PALACE GUARD-Mr Green

Leave You/02 BETTER HALF DOZEN-I Could Have Loved You/03 THRESHOLD OF SOUNS-She's Mine/04 THE LITTLE BITS-Girl Give Me Love/05 THE ECHOES OF CARNABY STREET- No Time Or Place/06 JIMMY & THE OFFBEATS-I Ain't No Miracle Worker/07 DR SPECS OPTICAL ILLUSION-Tryin To Mess My Mind/08 DR SPECS OPTICAL ILLUSION-She's the One/09 THE TIARAS-Sticks and Stones/10 THE TIARAS-Southern Love/11 THE ROAMIN' TOGAS-Bar the Door/12 THE YOUNG MEN-Go Away Girl/13 THE SOULS OF THE SLAIN-7&7 Is/14 THE SOULS OF THE SLAIN-Can't Go On/15 THE MERSEY SOUNDS-Down Home Girl/16 THE MERSEY SOUNDS-The Train
LOUISIANA PUNK GROUPS OF THE 60'S VOLUME 2-01 THE BAD ROADS-Too Bad/02 THE BAD ROADS-Blue Girl/03 THE PERSIAN MARKET-Flash in the Pan/04 THE PLAYGUE-I Gotta Be Goin'/05 THE BAD BOYS-Love/06 RON GREY & THE COUNTDOWNS-No More/07 THE GUNGA DYNS-Stick With Her/08 THE GAUNGA DYNS-No One Cares/09 THE ONE WAY STREET-Tears In My Eyes/10 THE ONE WAY STREET-I See the Light/11 THE SUREALISTIC PILLAR-I Like Girls/12 THE BAD ROADS-Til the End of the Day/13 AL MICHAEL & THE MEDALLIONS-I Wanna Talk to You/14 THE MOON DAWGS-Keep On Pushing/15 JOE DEGRINDA-Smokestack Lightning/16 THE SATANS-Makin Deals/17 THE SATANS-Lines and Squares

Links In a while.....