albums, we still have some singles, comps, etc......again, not going to go into detail on these because I haven't heard em, but this series has been quite popular. By the way, I know one of the links is wrong......I will fix it, just wait until I get the rest of them up......if I screw up any more of them let me know.
XX-01 Wechselkrote/02 Mischwesen/03 Hauptunruhe/04 Cenote
LIVE AT ROADBURN-01 Raumschaf/02 Murk/03 Sunaut/04 Donocord
VOLUME 10-01 Paraboiled/02 Slowbind/03 Symptom of the Moony Nurse/04 Suite Beef/05 A Tuna Sunrise/06 Behind the Wall of Sheep/07 Seven and Smell/08 Worn Utopia
MISOPHONIA-01 Organized Suffering/02 Bottledrone/03 Demented/04 Misophonia I/05 Shattered/06 Misophonia II/07 Opsis/08 Misophonia III