our, say top ONE hundred, there is a good chance there would be some overlap......Rolling Stone magazine attempted a few years back to put this into some sort of perspective, and, as usual, it kind of completely falls apart......nevertheless, it is a damn ambitious effort, does discuss many of the classic rock albums of all time, and is nothing if not a debate-starter.......I think it's worthy of inclusion here, it should be discussed/debated/changed until the end of time. So, here's the fun part......what do YOU personally think are the FIVE "best" (or, more accurately, your five favorite) rock albums of them all? I would absoultey LOVE to see people's lists, I think it would be an amazing topic for discussion, I hope it takes off just a bit.....if one of your faves is something obscure let me know and we'll be certain to post it. Here are my ten faveorites/"bests":
1. LOVE-Forever Changes
3. NIRVANA-Nevermind
4. THE MC5-Kick Out the jams
5. THE VELVET UNDERGORUND-White Light White Heat
6. DAVID BOWIE-Ziggy Stardust
7. THE WHO-Live at Leeds
8. LIZ PHAIR-Exile In Guyville
Really, you think I don't know how silly "Exile In Guyville" looks on this list? Well, I patiently await YOUR personal lists......really I do, I hope to get some responses/feedback, this is a great topic as always!