posts time and time again.......I am eternally grateful to them both (as well as everyone else who contributes of course), and I hope you all are as well, as these guys really put out, helping create the blog we have......I am unfamiliar with Those Bastard Souls, but as I've said many times before, Jon S has yet to steer me wrong, so likely this is a quality post as well.....
Those Bastard Souls was a Dave Shouse side-project.
Twentieth Century Chemical (1996)
01 Introducing Those Bastard Souls/02 These Things Will Slay You Every Time/03 Curious State I'm In/04 Subterranean Death Ride Blues, Pt. 2/05 The Train from Terminal Boredom/06 ! #_@#_!/07 Dirty Looks/08 Good Luck Split Town Today/09 Remembering Sophie Rhodes/10 What Am I Gonna Do Now/11 The Top Ten Zen Offenders/12 21st Century Chemical/13 Spaced Out/14 Here in the Ocean/15 Mercury/16 The Golden Age of Paranoia/17 Venus in Rags/18 All You Get/19 The Coldwater Freak Show