reminds me some (if I had to think of a comparison) perhaps with Wo-Fat, whom you know I love.....so, anyway, they released "Servitors of the Outer Gods" in 2012, a collection of ten short (relatively, for the genre) hard rocking tunes, all of which are pretty damn good, "Sun Eater" and "Wake Up" are highlights, maybe, but it's all pretty good.

Now, here's a secret. Don't tell anyone, scheduled for June 24 release is "Atomic Zod War"......I understand it's even a bit more on the psych side, especially the freaky leadoff track "Paralyzed".....if you look around, say, in the comments section, you may find a link to it, shhhhhh.....as with all new releases, if there are any objections it will be happily removed.

Eater/05 Hold On Me/06 It's Alright Now/07 Show Me/08 Black Fever/09 Liquid Gold/10 Whumps!
ELEMENTS OF DOOM-01 Golden Future/02 Elements of Doom/03 Blow It Away/04 Freekin' Free/05 D-471/06 Mothership/07 Sick of This Cave/08 The Void/09 We Will Fall
ATOMIC ZOD WAR-01 Paralyzed/02 Ain't Comin' Home/03 The World Is Dead/04 Location 9/05 Goin' Down/06 Get My Mind Together/07 Devil Inside