generously sharing these classic early Kyuss EP's and Kyuss-related links.......no excuses, these are ALL essential for fans of stoner rock, please do not ask for a re-up in two years, I'll tell you RIGHT NOW I'm not going to do it, just to be a prick.
DEMON CLEANER (1994)-01 Demon Cleaner/02 Day One (To Dave and Chris)/03 El Rodeo/04 Hurricane/05 Demon Cleaner/06 Gardenia (Live)/07 Thumb (Live)/08 Conan Troutman (Live)

ONE INCH MAN (1995)-01 One Inch Man/02 Flip the Phase/03 Mudfly/04 A Day Early and a Dollar Extra/05 Shine (Non LP Track from "Metalurgy" compilation)
LIVE AUGUST 1994 OHIO-01 Supa Scoopa and Mighty Scoop/02 Green Machine/03 Allen's Wrench/04 Gardenia/05 Thumb/06 Conan Troutman/07 Hurricane/08 100 Degrees/09 Freedom Run/10 Odyssey/11 Asteroid/12 50 Million Year Trip

Scoop/05 Green Machine/06 Freedom Run/07 One Inch Man/08 Thumb/09 100/10 Odyssey/11 Fatso Forgetso/12 Conan Troutman/13 50 Million Year Trip/14 Apothecarie's Weight/15 Allen's Wrench/16 Flip the phasae
LIVE GERMANY 1995-01 Intro/02 One Inch Man/03 Tangy Zizzle/04 Supa Scoopa and Mighty Scoop/05 Hurricane/06 Whitewater/07 Fatso Forgetso/08 Asteroid/09 Catamaran/10 Spaceship Landing/11 Gardenia/12 Allen's Wrench/13 Freedom Run/14 Green Machine/15 Thee Ol' Boozerooney/16 Fatso Forgotso/17 Odyssey
JOHN GARCIA SOLO-01 My Mind/02 Rolling Stoned/03 Flower/04 The Blvd/05 5000 Miles/06 Confusion/07 His Bullets Energy/08 Argleben/09 Saddleback/10 All These Walls/11 Her Bullets Energy

VISTA CHINO-PEACE (Kyuss without Josh Homme)-01 Good Morning Wasteland/02 Dargona Dargona/03 Sweet Remain/04 As You Wish/05 Planets 1 & 2/06 Adara/07 Mas Vino/08 Dark and Lovely/09 Baracelonian/10 Acidze-The Gambling Moose/11 Carnation/12 Sunlight at Midnight
Tremendous submission, absolutely spectacular.