that it's BAD), this is from 2014 from the Dutch band Aniday, who are fronted by a stunningly gorgeous babe Maria Catherina; guitarist Paul Coenradie, bassist Alex Mol, drummer Danny Simons, and multi-instro man Robby Valentine round out the lineup....pretty standard hard rock/metal, Catherina's voice might remind one of someone like maybe Ann Wilson or Pat Benetar......as always a sucker for hot chick singer that can scream a bit, I figure I'll make my buddy happy and post this one.
Again, it's pretty standard stuff, 12 mid-length, mostly riff-rocking tunes with a few attempts at "le grande ballade", standout tracks for me are the rockers, notably "Buscando La Vida" and "Leave Me With Your Lies", all of it is OK, none of it is spectacular, but wtf an excuse to post a picture of the lovely Maria Catherina is good enough.
We've got a couple of large projects in the pipeline for the next week or so, not spilling it yet, but the next few days, we are going to have some really good and unique stuff, trust me on this one.
ANIDAY-01 Can't Take No more/02 Hole In My heart/03 When Loving You Is Wrong/04 Buscando La Vida/05 Born Yesterday/06 We Belong/07 Don't Fool With Me/08 Dream On/09 Not Much of a Man/10 Get Funky/11 Leave Me With Your Lies/12 Lost the Way