don't know, Lemmy was the psycho-bass player for Hawkwind and the (also) psycho bass player as well as vocalist/growler/screamer for Motorhead......now, I have previously done posts on BOTH of those great bands, I don't know what's left of them link-wise, but originally they were quite comprehensive......I don't like to repeat stuff TOO often, so I am going to tribute Lemmy with some stuff I think you folks may like the best.
From the Hawkwind era, I give you my supberb vinyl rip of the double-disc "Space Ritual Live", two incredible discs of spaced out/stoner/hard psych/spacy rock.......the version of "Brainstorm" with Lemmy's totally sick bass playing and out-there growling vocals would summarize his career if it could be done so simply.........PLEASE investigate this if you are unfamiliar......for Lemmy?
From the Motorhead era, I'm going to play it safe, because I know Brian wants to post the legendary "No Sleep Til Hammersmith", an absolutely stunning live record that should be in every household, so, while waiting for Brian's own tribute, I think I will give you the following Motorhead discs (previously posted):

RIP Lemmy, as well as Hawkwind and Motorhead.....grat bands, great sounds, great tunes, grat flat out loud ass rock n roll.........from this corner at least, Lemmy, you will be missed tremendously, and I suspect from many other corners as well.

HAWKWIND-SPACE RITUAL LIVE D1-Earth Calling/02 Born To Go/03 Down Through the
Night/04 The Awakening/05 Lord of Light/06 Black Corridor/07 Space Is Deep/08 Electronic No. 1/09 Orgone Accumulator/10 Upside Down/11 10 Seconds of Forever/12 Brainstorm
HAWKWIND-SPACE RITUAL LIVE D2-01 7 By 7/02 Sonic Attack/03 Time We Left This World Today/04 Master of the Universe/05 Welcome to the Future/06 Welcome to the Future/07 Orgone Accumulator (alternate nights performance)/08 Time We Left This World Today (alternate night's performance)/09 You Shouldnt Do That (alternat nights performance)

MOTORHEAD-OVER THE TOP (RARITIES)-01 Tear Ya Down (Instrumental)/02 Louie Louie
(Alternate)/03 Over the Top/04 Please Don't Touch (Motorheadschool)/05 Emergency (Motorheadschool)/06 Over the Top (Alternate Version)/07 Capricorn (Alternate Version)/08 Train Kept-a Rollin'/09 (Don't Let Em) Grind Ya Down (Alternate Version)/10 Lemmy Goes to the Pub (Alternate Version of Heart of Stone)/11 Same Old Song, I'm Gone (Alternate Version of Remember Me, I'm Gone)/12 (Don't Need) Religion
MOTORHEAD-TEAR YA DOWN-THE RARITIES DISC 1-01 Hump On Your Back/02 Shoot You In the Back/03 Dirty Love/04 Dirty Love (Full Version)/05 Love Me Like a Reptile/06 Fast and Loose/07 Waltz of the Vampire/08 Ace of Spades (rare version)/09 Bastard/10 Godzilla Akimbo/11 (We Are) The Road Crew
MOTORHEAD-TEAR YA DOWN-THE RARITIES DISC 2-01 Like a Nightmare/02 Trat Me Nice/03 Dirty Love/04 Dirty Love (Full Version)/05 You Ain't Gonna Live Forever/06 The Hammer/07 Bomber/08 Love Me Like a Reptile/09 Fun on the Farm/10 Tear Ya Down/11 Fire Fire/12 Louie Louie/13 jailbait/14 Step Down